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Version: 3.1.0


A Luos node is the term that corresponds to each executed programs connected to a Luos network.


In the case of microcontrollers, because they run only one executable binary, Luos users frequently talk about microcontroller as nodes.

In other words, each program connected into the system, is called a node. The node contains packages running services or phys, concepts that are going to be analyzed in the following pages.

The nodes are described by a set of characteristics that are unique and give them the opportunity to be separated the one from the other. These are:

  • node_id: node's unique id
  • connection: a physical connection between the node and it's parent. The parent node is the one that initiated the local node detection. Node only have 1 parent except for the one that initiated the detection, which has none.

Each node hosts the Luos_engine lib and use it to communicate with other nodes and services trough phys. The Luos HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) allows to specify how to access Luos needed resources of the physical computing unit, such as time and memory.