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Version: 3.0.0

Routing Table


Make sure you have read and understood the network topoly section before reading this page.

The routing table is a feature of Luos allowing every servicesSoftware element run by Luos that can communicate with other services. It can be a driver or an app. to access a "map" (or topology) of the entire network of your device. This map enables services to know their physical position and to search and interact with other services quickly.

This feature is particularly used by app services to find other services they need to interact with. The routing table is shared by the service that launches the detection to other services.


The routing table is automatically generated when a service prompts Luos engine to initiate network detection. Once the detection process concludes, the routing table is shared with other services. It's important to note that any service can request a detection, but driver services should not utilize this feature. Instead, it should be exclusively used with app services, which can include the routingTable.h file and leverage the routing table API.

To run a detection, type:


where app is the service_t pointer running the detection.

During the detection process initiation, every service receives a message with the START_DETECTION command.

The service responsible for conducting the detection is assigned ID 1, while the other services are assigned IDs ranging from 2 to 4096, based on their position from the perspective of the service detector. Once each service in the network has been assigned an ID, the detection algorithm proceeds to generate the routing table, which is then shared with every service (stored only once per node).

In some cases, multiple services within the network may have the same alias. To avoid service confusion, the detection algorithm adds a sequential number after each instance of an alias in the routing table.

Upon completion of the detection process, each service receives a message with the END_DETECTION command. You can utilize this command in your code to determine the precise moment when the detection process concludes.

It's important to note that during detection, Luos engine resets the ID for each service. As a result, IDs may change, requiring you to re-initiate auto-updates of services based on their new IDs upon receiving the END_DETECTION command message.

You can also check the detection status of your node, by using the dedicated Luos engine's API:


It returns true or false depending on whether this node is detected or not.



  1. Be careful that a service's ID can change during a detection depending on the service running this detection.
  2. Do not consider your service's ID fixed.
  3. Be aware that every service removes its auto-update configuration during the detection to prevent any ID movement.


Nodes can host multiple services. To get the topology of your device, the routing table references physical connections between the nodes and lists all the services in each one of them.

The routing table is a table of a routing_table_t structure containing nodes or services information. The precompilation constant MAX_SERVICE_NUMBER manages the maximum number of services of your complete architecture (set to 20 by default). The precompilation constant MAX_NODE_NUMBER manages the maximum number of nodes of your complete architecture (set to 20 by default).

routing_table_t routing_table[MAX_SERVICE_NUMBER + MAX_NODE_NUMBER];

The routing table structure has two modes: service entry mode and node entry mode.

typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__))
uint8_t mode; // entry_mode_t
struct __attribute__((__packed__))
{ // SERVICE mode entry
uint16_t id; // Service ID.
uint16_t type; // Service type.
uint8_t access; // Service Access access_t
char alias[MAX_ALIAS_SIZE]; // Service alias.
struct __attribute__((__packed__))
{ // NODE mode entry
// Watch out this structure have a lot similarities with the node_t struct.
// It is similar to allow copy of a node_t struct directly in this one.
// But you there is potentially a port_table size difference so
// Do not replace it with node_t struct.
struct __attribute__((__packed__))
uint16_t node_id : 12; // Node id
uint16_t certified : 4; // True if the node have a certificate
uint8_t node_info; // node info can contain info such as the saving of routing table
connection_t connection; // Node connection source
uint8_t unmap_data[MAX_ALIAS_SIZE + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint8_t)];
} routing_table_t;

Service entry mode

Service entry mode allows the routing table to include information about a service. As a node can host one or more services, the routing table is able to obtain the specific information for each one of them:

  • id: service's unique id
  • type: service's type
  • alias: service's alias

You can read the services page for more information about what services are and how they are used.

Node entry mode

This mode gives physical information about your devices.

The node_id is the unique number that you can use to identify each one of your nodes. At the beginning (or when a reset detection is performed), all node IDs are set to 0. When the Luos_Detect API is called, Luos engine assigns a unique ID to nodes and services in your system topology.

The connection allows the sharing of topological information of your network. This structure store the connection information between the node and it's parent node by saving the phy_id and the port_id used on each side of this connection to link both of them.


Routing tables can be easily displayed using Pyluos through a USB gate. Please refer to the Pyluos routing table section for more information.

Routing table filtering

The routing table library provides filtering tools to find the services and nodes' information into a Luos network. In order to use these filtering functions, you need to define a search_result_t variable, where you will store the filtered information.

The search_result_t structure includes a list of the routing table entries, as well as a number that indicates the number of services that it contains:

typedef struct
uint16_t result_nbr;
routing_table_t *result_table[MAX_RTB_ENTRY];
} search_result_t;

First of all, we need to reset the filtering result in order to contain all the services existing in the routing table. Afterwords, we can filter the routing table entries, depending on a specific characteristic of the services like the type, the alias, etc.

Here is an example:

Having access to the different services' information existing in the filtering result is done with the code result.result_table[i]->id or result.result_table[i]->type, as each result_table[] is a routing table entry.

See all filtering functions APIs